Making professional websites and applications useful for your business

With regard to electronic commerce (e-commerce), the law applies in Switzerland. Federal Act against Unfair Competition (LCD; SR 241) and the Ordinance on the Indication of prices (OIP; RS 942.211). In the European Union, electronic commerce is regulated by the Consumer Rights Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU) and the directive on electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC)

These conditions of sale govern the sale of products marketed by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. All contracts for the purchase of products concluded, through the edoardoguzzi.com website and according to the procedures indicated therein, between the seller and the Customer, shall be governed by these General Conditions.

I. Subject

AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI runs a consulting business for entrepreneurs in the restaurant industry.
Providing clients with consultations, telephone, online and on-site, catering products and other (hereafter referred to by the cumulative name "products and services").
Customer satisfaction(hereinafter referred to as "customers") is our priority and our goal is to provide our customers with exceptional service.
Customers will be able to purchase through different sales channels (item 1.2) products and services.

AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI makes possible the conclusion of direct contracts between partners (hereinafter hereinafter referred to generically as "partners") and clients.

The subject of these GTC is the use of services made possible by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI to customers through the following sales channels: the Internet sites and e-commerce(Internet sites,e-commerce are hereinafter referred to as "web shop"). edoardoguzzi.com and aifb.ch, the partner websites, web apps and other made available through AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI (partner Internet sites, web apps and others are hereinafter referred to as "sales channels"). By using of the respective services you accept these Terms of Use. It is possible that AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI requires customers to repeat their acceptance of the GTC. by clicking on the respective confirmation field in order to make use of the individual services.

The use of personal information is governed by the privacy statement policy. The privacy policy statement is an integral and binding part of the these GTC. 

II. Services

The conditions of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI accessible through web shops and other sales channels apply to all products and services. AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI may. at any time change the range of products and services offered or suspend the provision of products and services.

Through its sales channels, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI makes it possible to conclude of contracts between customers and third parties. In this context, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZ acts as an agent of a third party, and is therefore not a business partner of the customer. The product/service purchase contract is concluded exclusively between the customer and third party, according to these GTC and the conditions of the partner.

By using products and services of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI's partner companies such as for example ...., the customer accepts the applicable general conditions of contract and/or/or the conditions of use of the aforementioned partner companies. 

III. Stipulation of the contract

3.1 Customer order

The summary of available products and services made available in the channels of sale has the sole purpose of inviting the customer to make an offer of purchase. The customer makes his choice through the sales channel. The choice made will be displayed in the shopping cart (web shop) or will be communicated to the customer (purchase by phone or in person). With the confirmation of the order, the customer submits a binding offer to purchase products or services selected. The customer is obliged to communicate correctly and completely all the necessary data for ordering procedure.

3.2 Registration

To place an order online, the customer will need to log into the web shop with his/her user name or e-mail address as well as his/her his password (hereinafter referred to as "login data"; the respective account user will be referred to as the "online account"). If the customer does not have an online account yet, he/she will be asked to register in the web shop with the respective user account when placing his/her first online order. invited to register in the web shop with the necessary data.

Access data transmitted to the client is intended for personal use by the client and must be treated confidentially. All orders placed through the online account will be attributed to the customer as the holder of the online account and will be binding on him.

3.3 Confirmation of order
In the case of ordering through web shops or if the customer communicates his/her e-mail address by phone, the customer, at the conclusion of the procedure of ordering, will receive via e-mail or SMS a confirmation of the order itself. It is expressly understood that such confirmation does not yet constitute an acceptance of the offer by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI.

3.4 Acceptance through AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI on behalf of the partner
The contract for the purchase of a product and service, between the customer and the partner, shall be deemed entered into only at the time when the customer receives the product and service, has access to it or it is delivered. The shipment, making provision, delivery or enablement will take place only upon receipt of the customer's payment at AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI, regardless of the type of of payment.

IV. Forwarding of products and services

4.1 Generalities

The forwarding or shipment of products and services will take place, depending on the choice made by the customer during the ordering process, in physical form to the postal address indicated by the customer, via e-mail with download link, via SMS with link to the cell phone number indicated by the customer.

The customer is required to check the products and services as soon as he/she has received them. Particularly in the case of personalized products and services, the seller of the products and services is required to check that the personal data shown on the products and services have been filled out correctly. The customer must notify AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI within 3 working days of any any damage to the products and services, or non-compliance with what was ordered, of the products and services transmitted by mail or electronically. Should the customer fail to do so, the products and services forwarded shall be deemed accepted (Art. 201 OR).

Use and risks pass to the customer upon shipment from the AIFB office EDOARDO GUZZI (art. 74, paragraph 2, number 2 OR). The customer is responsible for the safe custody of the products and services. The replacement of products and services that are damaged or lost, subject to the provisions of 10.3.

V. Prohibition of resale

It is prohibited any resale of the purchased products and services, especially for commercial or profit-making purposes. Any violations may result in the loss of benefits related to the purchased products and services, and may generate indemnification and profit restitution claims to be asserted against against the original purchaser of products and services and the purchasers of the products and services. Persons who violate the above provisions may be excluded from purchasing products and services. 

VI. Pricing

The prices of products and services accessible through the sales channels and/or indicated or communicated therein shall be understood to include VAT. (where applicable)

The sales price displayed in the web shop includes the price of the product and service set by the partner plus service charges, net of any payment and shipping charges. The charges applicable to the individual channel of sale, related to the type of shipment and/or/or the type of payment, will be displayed in the shopping cart or communicated to the customer during the ordering process. 

VII. Payment

Ordering by phone or online
In the case of telephone and online ordering, payment will be made by charging to the credit card indicated during the ordering process or deposited in the "My Account" area (Eurocard/MasterCard, Visa, American Express), by Postfinance payment (Postfinance Card, Postfinance E-Finance) or, exclusively for buyers of products and services with residence in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein, with payment prepayment or Sofortbanking (e-banking). In the case of prepayment, the payment must be made within 5 working days from the date of the order, in the case of electronic invoice within 2 working days from the date of the order. The date of the payment order is decisive for compliance with the deadline. AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI is free to decide which forms of payment to allow and whether/when any products and services not paid for by the deadline will be put back on sale. 

VIII. Return, refund, transfer and replacement

8.1 Generalities
The contractual partner dellclient purchaser of products and services, responsible for the realization of the event for which AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI has acted as intermediary and/or/or for the provision of the product and service, is the individual partner. On the possibility, conditions and management of any returns and refunds or replacements of products and services purchased for individual events will therefore be decided exclusively the partner and in no case AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI.

8.2 Transfer of personalized products and services to another person
partner will be the sole decider of whether and under what conditions the products and services customized may be transferred to another person. If the transfer is permitted, only the first purchaser will be able to have the transfer.

8.5 Management of return and refund

If the partner consents to the return and refund of products and services as well as management in accordance with this Section 9.5, the customer shall be entitled to a refund of the price of the products and services under the conditions herein stipulated.

The customer shall return/return the product and service to the place of purchase no later than 30 days from the date of purchase. AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. After 30 days from the date of purchase of the product and service, the customers of products and services should contact the partner directly. It will be then the latter to decide on how to handle the return and refund.

Products and services purchased by telephone or online must be returned to the address indicated by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. In the case of payment by credit card, Postfinance or Sofortbanking, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI will re-credit within four weeks the respective amount to the credit card or account used for the payment. In the case of prepayment, the sum will be credited to the bank or postal account indicated by the client. For this purpose AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI requires the following data: bank/post office (name, location), bank clearing number, IBAN, account number and account holder of the account (last name, first name).

IX. Warranty

AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI provides its services within the scope of its resources company and foreseeable requirements in an accurate and professional manner, within the limits insofar as the above is not rendered impossible due to causes not the responsibility of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI.

The customer is aware that AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI provides its services through the Internet and/or/or using communication networks. In particular due to anomalies technical anomalies, malfunctions as well as anomalies or interruptions of the communication networks or due to out of service of IT infrastructure, of call center lines or other elements of the infrastructure necessary for the performance of services, there may be transient limitations or interruptions in the performance of the services of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI therefore does not guarantee that its services will be available uninterruptedly and without anomalies. 

X. Responsibilities

In case of breach of its contractual obligations arising from the these GTC, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI shall be towards the client unlimitedly liable for direct and proven damages that have been caused by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI with intentions contrary to the law or through gross negligence.

Liability for slight negligence and for indirect or consequential is expressly excluded. Consequential damages include in particular. in particular loss of profit, damage to reputation and loss of data caused by a temporary limitation or interruption of the availability of the services of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI as well as caused by interruptions in the channels of distribution, transmission errors, delayed delivery of products and services, errors in the indication of prices or services and errors in confirmations of reservations. Any liability of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI is also excluded for. the contents of websites of partners and other third parties that refer to the web shops of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI or to which the web shops of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI refer.

AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI is unable to control the completeness, correctness and legitimacy of the product and service by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI on behalf of behalf of the partner as well as the latter's services, and disclaims any responsibility in this regard.

In addition, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI is unable to verify whether the partner fulfills correctly and completely its performance obligations arising from or the context of the existing contract between the partner and the individual purchaser of products and services. For any breaches of contract, such as in particular for insufficient organization or execution of the consultancy, for a termination of consulting in violation of the contract, for insufficient quality of services as well as for any violations of obligations by the purchaser purchaser of the products and services during participation in the consultations, will be responsible exclusively for the partner and/or lclient purchaser of products and services, and in no case AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. This exclusion of liability also applies to para-contractual and extra-contractual claims that may arise between the purchaser of the products and services and the partner in the context of the execution of the contract, in particular of the performance of the consulting and/or even the use of the services rendered by the partner.

The above exclusions and limitations of the liability of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI do not apply in case of death, injury and damage to health caused directly and culpably by AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI, as well as in the case of binding legal provisions, including the provisions of the Product Liability Act. 

XI. Responsibilities of the customer purchaser of products and services


The client purchaser of the products and services is towards AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI unlimitedly liable for direct and proven damages that have been caused with intent contrary to law or through gross negligence. The liability of the customer towards AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI for negligence slight is excluded.

The customer shall reimburse AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI for any costs that arise in the context of unauthorized or illegitimate use of the password of the password of the customer purchaser of the products and services and/or from the use inaccurate use.

XII. Property intellectual

The web shops as well as all contents accessible through the web shops of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI (hereinafter "contents") are protected by the provisions on the rights copyright and, unless otherwise agreed, are the exclusive and complete property of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. Web shops may contain indications relating to third party rights of use and protection that shall be respected by the customer purchasing products and services. The following is not allowed reproduction (complete or in part), distribution, transmission (electronic or by other means), modification, linking or use of the content for public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. 

XIII. Final Provisions.

Place of performance of the services of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI, delivery of products and services included, is the headquarters of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI.

Client waives offset of its claims against AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI.

AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. The amendments will be made accessible on the website of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI and will come into force when they are published online.

If an individual provision or several provisions of these GTC is/are or becomes void or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these GTC or on the purchase of the ticket. In such case, the parties shall replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision applicable one that from an economic point of view is more similar to the one to be replace. The same applies by analogy in the event that these GTC have any legal loopholes.

These GTC and any disputes that may arise from or in the context of the relationship between AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI and the client, the following shall apply exclusively Swiss law, to the exclusion of the provisions on the conflict of laws and the UN Convention on Contracts concerning the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

Exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes between AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI and the customer purchaser of the products and services is the registered office of AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI. In alternative, AIFB EDOARDO GUZZI may sue the customer at the place of residence of the latter.

XIV. Resolution online dispute resolution

I consumers in the European community can also use the official made available by the European Community at the following link:
